I think therefore I am or I am therefore I think?

“I think therefore I am” is a famous quote by the French philosopher Rene Descartes. But, is it all that is there to it? What about its flipside? ‘I am therefore I think’. This might seem like the age-old question of what came first? Is it the chicken or the egg? But, in reality, it is not.

When we say 'I think therefore I am', we arrive at a conclusion that the self was built according to the experiences that we have had. That would mean that we were born with a clean slate, with absolutely nothing on our minds. If everything was acquired, and everything was given to us by our parents, then how can we explain the life of Christ? Remember, his parents were just ordinary people. 

The self is immortal, it is without a beginning or an end. So, the ‘I’ came first followed by the mind, the body and subsequently, the thoughts. In short, it is I am therefore I think. When you observe children, you will get to know that they are, all the time curious. They keep asking their parents questions like: why is the sky blue? how is the river flowing? why does the sun rise? and so on. They are innately curious. This curiosity is the basis of Human Kind. This is the reason why we see so many discoveries in this world. If humans did not have this curiosity, how will the world be the same way it is now? 
So, we be ourselves and we think. But, at the same time, our thoughts do influence our character. The irony is that the character itself is the reason why we have those thoughts. According to our own actions, we form the character, and this is what we are born with. 

The expanse of the universe is something which cannot be comprehended by our human brain and it runs on the principle of endless cycles. Without a beginning or an end. As the aeons end, a new name and form will be manifested. Who knows, whether, billions and billions of years ago, before the age of the dinosaurs, there were exact people like you and me? Living the same life, having the same job? What if a parallel universe had existed before and what we have right now is just a repetition of all that had happened. Highly unlikely, but, it is just food for thought!


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